Northlands Primary School and Nursery

Year 1 Home Learning

Storytime Friday 5th March 2021

The Smeds and the Smoos - Julia Donaldson

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Friday 5th March 2021

WALT- solve arithmetic problems

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Friday 5th March 2021

Reading Comprehension Oi Frog

Miss Tatum's English Friday 5th March

Friday's story time with Miss Tatum

Friday's story time with Miss Savin

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 5th March

Phonics Friday 5th March

Thursday's story time with Miss Tatum

Thursday story time with Miss Savin

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 4th March

Oi Goat:

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 4th March

Phonics Thursday 4th March

Storytime with Mrs. Frith Thursday 4th March 2021

The most obedient dog in the world - Anita Jeram

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Thursday 4th March 2021

WALT- compare time.

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Thursday 4th March 2021

WALT- write a character description.

Miss Savin's story time Wednesday

Miss Savin's Maths Weds 3rd March

Phonics Wednesday 3rd March

Wednesday's story time with Miss Tatum

Miss Tatum's English Wednesday 3rd March

Story time with Mrs. Frith Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Harry and the Dinosaurs First Sleepover by Ian Whybrow

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Wednesday 3rd March 2021

WALT- write a character description.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Wednesday 3rd March 2021

WALT- measure and record time.

Story read by Mrs. Frith Tuesday 2nd March 2021

The Lost Acorns - Nick Butterworth

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Tuesday 2nd March 2021

WALT- show the time to half past the hour.

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Tuesday 2nd March 2021

WALT- plan a character description.

Tuesday's story time with Miss Savin

Phonics Tuesday 2nd March

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 2nd March

Tuesday's story time with Miss Tatum

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 2nd March

Draw Oi Frog with Jim Field:

Story time with Miss Savin

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 1st March

Phonics Monday 1st March

vowel song:

Miss Tatum's English Monday 1st March

Story time with Miss Tatum

Story read by Mrs. Frith Monday 1st March 2021

A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Monday 1st March 2021

WALT- tell the time to half past the hour.

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Monda 1st March 2021

WALT- identify adjectives

Story time with Mrs. Frith 26th February 2021

Listen to the Gingerbread Man story and make your own Gingerbread biscuits :)

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 26th Feb

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Friday 26th February 2021

Reading comprehension

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Friday 26th February 2021

WALT- solve arithmetic problems

Miss Tatum's English Friday 26th Feb

Phonics Friday 26th Feb

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 25th Feb

Phonics Thursday 25th Feb

Building Brick vowel song:

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 25th Feb

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Thursday 25th February 2021

WALT- write a poem.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Thursday 25th February 2021

WALT- show the time to the hour.

Phonics Wednesday 24th Feb

Old MacDonald vowel song:

Miss Tatum's English Wednesday 24th Feb

Miss Savin's Maths Wednesday 24th Feb

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Wednesday 24th February 2021

WALT- tell the time to the hour.

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Wednesday 24th February 2021

WALT- write a poem

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 23rd Feb

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 23rd Feb

Phonics Tuesday 23rd Feb

Jolly Phonics vowel song:

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Tuesday 23rd February 2021

WALT- name and order days and months

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Tuesday 23rd February 2021

WALT- plan a poem.

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 22nd Feb

Phonics Monday 22nd Feb

Jolly Phonics vowel song:

Miss Tatum's English Monday 22nd Feb

Forest animal clip:

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Monday 22nd February 2021

WALT- add the suffix -ing to verbs

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Monday 22nd February 2021

WALT- describe, sort and order events

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 12th

Topmarks number fact families:

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Friday 12th

Miss Tatum's English Friday 12th Feb

Phonics Friday 12th Feb

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Friday 12th February 2021

WALT- solve arithmetic problems

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Thursday 11th February 2021

WALT- compare capacity and volume

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 11th

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Thursday 11th

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 11th Feb

Phonics Thursday 11th Feb

Miss Savin's Maths Wednesday 10th

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Wednesday 10th

Paddington Bear 6 fun facts:

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Wednesday 10th February 2021

WALT- explore capacity and volume

Miss Tatum's English Wednesday 10th Feb

Phonics Wednesday 10th Feb

Story time with Miss Tatum

Naughty Bus

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths

WALT- compare mass

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Tuesday 9th

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 9th

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 9th Feb

Phonics Tuesday 9th Feb

b and d

Miss Tatum's English Monday 8th Feb

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 8th

3D shape song: ICT games, Mostly Postie:

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Monday 8th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Monday 8th February 2021

WALT- compare mass

Phonics Monday 8th

Making playdough on Friday 5th February 2021

Easy way to make playdough (no cooking involved)

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 5th

Phonics Friday 5th

Miss Tatum's English Friday 5th Feb

Storytime with Mrs. Frith

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Friday 5th February 2021

WALT- retrieve information.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith Maths Friday 5th February 2021

WALT- solve arithmetic problems.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Thursday 4th February 2021

WALT- explore weight and mass.

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Thursday 4th February 2021

WALT- research and make notes.

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 4th Feb

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 4th

Phonics Thursday 4th

Phonics Tuesday 2nd

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 2nd

Double numbers song: Topmarks measuring in cm:

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Tuesday 2nd February 2021

WALT- recognise the features of a non-fiction text.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith Maths Tuesday 2nd February 2021

WALT- measure length using a ruler.

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 2nd Feb

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Monday 1st February 2021

WALT- measure length.

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Monday 1st February 2021

WALT- ask questions.

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 1st Feb

Phonics Monday 1st Feb

Miss Tatum's English Monday 1st Feb

Story Time with Mrs Frith

Phonics Friday 29th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Friday 29th January 2021

WALT- solve arithmetic problems

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Friday 29th January 2021

Reading Comprehension

Miss Tatum's English Friday 29th

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 29th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Thursday 28th January 2021

WALT- measure length

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Thursday 28th January 2021

WALT- write a story.

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 28th

Big Read Week 4

There is no written work in this lesson - just lots of reading and discussion. Please send us videos or photos of your child reading, talking about the book and pointing to answers on the screen. Thank you.

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 28th

Phonics Thursday 28th

Phonics Wednesday 27th

Miss Tatum's English Wednesday 27th

Miss Savin's Maths Wednesday 27th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Wednesday 27th January 2021

WALT- measure length

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Wednesday 27th January 2021

WALT- write a story.

Phonics Tuesday 26th

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 26th

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 26th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Tuesday 26th January 2021

WAL- compare length and height

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Tuesday 26th January 2021

WALT- plan a story

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 25th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Monday 25th January 2021

WALT- compare length and height

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Monday 25th January 2021

WALT- choose the appropriate end punctuation.

Miss Tatum's English Monday 25th

Phonics Monday 25th

Trigraph air

Phonics Friday 22nd

er sound family

Miss Tatum's English Friday 22nd

Story Time with Miss Savin

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Friday 22nd

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 22nd

Topmarks basketball: Hey 20 you've got a lot of friends:

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Friday 22nd January 2021

WALT- solve arithmetic problems

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Thursday 21st January 2022

WALT- count in 5s.

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 21st

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Thursday 21st

Letter formation demonstration

A quick guide to how to form our letters correctly :)

Big Read Week 3

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 21st

Phonics Thursday 21st

oi sound family

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Wednesday 20th

Miss Savin's Maths Wednesday 20th

Doubles rap:

Miss Tatum's English Wednesday 20th

Phonics Wednesday 20th

ou sound family

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Wednesday 20th January 2021

WALT- count in 2s (forwards and backwards)

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Tuesday 19th January 2021

WALT- count in 2s.

Traction Man Story Time

To support Tuesday's English lesson :)

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Tuesday 19th

Please find the Traction Man story on a separate video

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 19th

Counting by 2s song: Topmarks paint the squares: 1-50.

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 19th

Phonics Tuesday 19th

or sound family

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Monday 18th January 2021

WALT- represent numbers on a numberline.

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 18th

Miss Savin and Mrs Frith's English Monday 18th

Story of Traction Man:

Miss Tatum's English Monday 18th

Phonics Monday 18th

Story time

The bear who came to babysit!

Snack designer

Design and create your own healthy snack.

Big Read Week 2

Phonics Friday 15th

Miss Savin's Maths Friday 15th

Miss Tatum's English Friday 15th

Reading comprehension

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Friday 15th January 2021

Problem solving

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Friday 15th January 2021

Reading Comprehension

Miss Savin's Maths Thursday 14th

Phonics Thursday 14th

Miss Tatum's English Thursday 14th

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Thursday 14th January 2021

WALT- rewrite a scene.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Thursday 14th January 2021

WALT- order numbers to 50

PSHE wc 11th January 2021

WALT- recognise that household products, including medicines, can be harmful if not used properly

Miss Savin's Maths Wednesday

Phonics Wednesday 13th

Miss Tatum's English Wednesday 13th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Wednesday 13th January 2021

WALT- compare objects and numbers.

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Wednesday 13th January 2021

WALT- rewrite a scene

Miss Savin's Maths Tuesday 12th

Phonics Tuesday 12th

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Tuesday 12th January 2021

WALT- plan a scene.

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's maths Tuesday 12th January 2021

WALT- compare objects and numbers.

Miss Tatum's English Tuesday 12th

Miss Savin's Maths Monday 11th

Miss Tatum and Mrs. Frith's Maths Monday 11th January 2021

WALT find one more and one less than a given number.

Phonics Monday 11th

oa sound family

Miss Tatum's English Monday 11th

Miss Savin and Mrs. Frith's English Monday 11th January 2021

WALT- use the conjunction 'and'

Story time Friday 8th January 2021

The Carrot Club

Art Friday 8th January 2021

WALT- use wax resist technique to paint a picture.

Maths Friday 8th

Big Read Week 1

English Friday 8th January 2021

WALT- make inferences about a character.

Phonics Friday 8th

ie sound family

Maths Thursday 7th correct

Phonics Thursday 7th

English Thursday 7th January 2021

WALT- retell a story scene.

w/c 4th January 2021 PSHE

WALT recognise our own aspirations.

Phonics Wednesday 6th

ee sound family

Maths Wednesday 6th

Wednesday 6th January 2021 English

WALT- retelling of a scene

Maths Tuesday 5th

Phonics Tuesday 5th

ai sound family

English 5.1.21

write about how a character is feeling.