WALT solve arithmetic questions
Mr. O'Shea reads 'There's a Snake in my School!' by David Walliams and Tony Ross
WALT infer
Mr. O'Shea reads Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Robertson & David Roberts
WALT write a character description
WALT make patterns with 2D shapes
Mr. O'Shea reads The Invisible by Tom Percival
To write a setting description
WALT sort 3D shapes
Mr. O'Shea reads Oi Cat! by Kes Gray & Jim Fields
WALT name and describe 3D shapes
WALT plan a setting description
Mr. O'Shea reads Oi Frog! by Kes Gray & Jim Field
WALT use the '-ing' suffix
WALT sort 2D shapes
WALT infer
WALT solve arithmetic questions
WALT write instructions
WALT recognise lines of symmetry
WALT draw 2D shapes
WALT plan instructions
WALT identify and describe 2D shapes
WALT identify the key features of instructions
WALT use imperative verbs
WALT recognise 2D and 3D shapes
WALT retrieve information
WALT draw pictograms
WALT write an acrostic poem
WALT draw block diagrams
WALT write a poem
WALT draw & interpret pictograms
WALT plan a poem
WALT draw block diagrams
WALT interpret pictograms (in 2s and 10s)
WALT use the conjunction 'and'
WALT use inference skills
WALT solve arithmetic problems
WALT write a Non-Chronological Report
WALT interpret pictograms
WALT to plan (a Non-Chronological Report)
WALT draw pictograms
WALT make and read tally charts
WALT use the conjunction 'and'
WALT retrieve information
WALT solve arithmetic questions
WALT divide
WALT write a Non-Chronological Report
WALT plan a Non-Chronological Report
WALT divide
WALT divide
WALT know features of a Non-Chronological Report
WALT write statement sentences
WALT divide
WALT - infer
WALT solve arithmetic problems
WALT write a scene description
WALT recognise odd and even numbers
WALT write a scene description
WALT divide by 10
WALT plan a scene description
WALT divide by 5
WALT use nouns
Arithmetic lesson
Reading Comprehension lesson
This video is here to support the learning for children who would normally be in Miss Leo or Mrs Derrick's English set. We will do some Spelling, Handwriting and Grammar in today's lesson. Don't forget to upload your work to DB Primary.
This video is to support and challenge the children who are in the top set for Maths (taught by Miss Leo).
This is a video to recap the skills you will need to complete today's arithmetic questions. Remember to upload your answers to DB Primary then use any left over time to practise your key skills on TT Rockstars and Hit the Button.
This lesson focuses on using pictures to help us multiply. You need paper and pencil to complete your work. Don't forget to upload it to DB Primary.
WALT add equal groups. This lesson will refresh your memory ready for a week of multiplication.